Christina Jarmolinski, Modern Art.

Paintings Collages and Prints


"Life is a Merry-Go-Round" by Christina Jarmolinski

About the painting "Life is a Merry-Go-Round". At first glimpse it can remind you of your childhood days going to the fair with your parents. All was happy and careless. Love was in the air. Parents giving their children a treat and kids enjoying..............

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Article written by Juergen Herda in OberpfalzECHO

Biden's withdrawal: good news for our economy? Tännesberg. A new study by the German Economic Institute (IW) predicts a loss of up to 150 billion euros for the German economy if Donald Trump wins the election. But is the withdrawal of US President..............

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The World in is in Disarray by Christina Jarmolinski

The World in is in Disarray by Christina Jarmolinski What does this mean? The political situation in the United States is out of control with the upcoming elections. War in Ukraine since two years. War in Israel and Gaza. Nuclear bombs in many..............

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Save our Planet by Christina Jarmolinski

Save our Planet We live in an economy which serves the few and not the planet. The animals are looking to us for help. What have we done? We are destroying everything for greed due to the industries digging for fossil fuel and the like. Disrupting..............

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Climate Change by Christina Jarmolinski-Global Warming

"The climate crisis is THE defining challenge that humanity faces." WMO Secretary-General, Prof. Celeste Saulo I walk through the forest almost daily with my dog and I am stunned by the amount of dying trees. Some probably have reached their age..............

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Waterfalls - Water. Water Everywhere II - Global Warming

"Climate change is affecting the hydrological cycle and increasing the frequency and intensity of storms. Over 90 per cent of disasters are weather-related, including drought and aridification, wildfires, pollution and floods." Source: UNEP Each of..............

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Water. Water Everywhere - Global Warming- Climate Change

Water. Water Everywhere - Global Warming- Climate Change Flooding, water everywhere. This is a cause of global warming and climate change. I have been painting this topic for over 30 years. Not so much interest back then? This reminds me of the..............

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Hide and Seek - Global Warming

Hide and Seek. A warning Out of my series Global Warming. People hide and don't want to acknowledge the changes in our world. Global Warming. Fish swimming amongst the trees and birds hanging upside down. #acryliconcanvas #globalwarming #hiding #..............

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The Power of Art I by Christina Jarmolinski

This painting depicts the Power of Art as a peacemaker in these troubled times. It shows a woman, a mother, grandmother and or others with a child to the left. A small child who has no idea of the frictions in the world but loves colors. He dresses..............

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Hi. I'm back again with a new video of one of my latest series about penguins


Hi. I'm back again with a new video of one of my latest series about penguins. These are not childish penguin paintings. It goes deeper into the soul. Penguins symbolize love, togetherness and family. I painted 5 in this series. I'm pleased with the..............

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